Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Like Design for Elephants

July 5, 2011

Dick Matt and Turk continue their charitable work in Kenya.

Stayed at the ARK last night which is part of Abedare Park. There is an all stone bunker with some small openings at ground level with the animals. It is a natural salt lick. The grounds are very rich in salt. Elephants, buffalo, rhinos all chill here. The elephants rolled through, about 20 of them and chillwaved for a bit. This bro, was totally interested in dick and myself. He stood there for about 20 minutes just watching us. His name was Dirk...

Cape Buffalo I saw on the way to Abedare. Dude was huge, his name was Captain James P. Hemmingway III...

Giraffe I saw walking down road by our camp early morning...

We delivered computers to the Girls' school. This was very awesome, they were blown away. They had one of the old Macintosh computers from the early 80's.
Christy pipkin is filming in background. Our bush driver Mike is the background. Very cool bro...

Dick planting a tree at the girls' school...

Me planting tree @ kiraribini all girls school...

This little chapel was at mount kenya safari club. Kinda cool. Mount kenya safari club was actor william holden's africa retreat...

Standing on the equator....

Tent dick and i slept in last night at sweetwaters...

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