Friday, April 1, 2011

DCA Selected as Architect for SXSW Dome

Dick Clark Architecture has been selected as the Architect for the dome set to hold SXSW 2012. (see Austin Chronicle) The visionary behind the dome project is futuristic planner Alec Dante, a Dallas native. Dante and Dick Clark, who were childhood friends in Dallas, have never collaborated but felt the partnership was mutually beneficial. In a late night City Council meeting that extended into the early morning hours of April 1, the council unanimously voted to create a circular-shaped PUD to allow the special CBD-DOME zoning. It’s the second time this year that the Council has granted a singular building its own PUD. A jubilant Clark exclaimed that, “I have been a big supporter of SXSW and the city of Austin for a long time and this will ensure the longevity of the event. I could not be more excited! Ye-ha!”

Dick Clark Architecture describes the concept as a complex of geodesic domes, each serving different functions. This also allows branding and sponsorship opportunities. For example, most will follow the city’s ban on indoor smoking but a special American Spirit dome will allow the festival goers to sample the popular cigarette companies newest products while pulling in imported air from Williamsburg, NY and Silverlake. A coalition of local semiconductor companies is working together to supply over 20,000 photovoltaic panels necessary for the main dome’s skin. The panel’s breakthrough technology will ensure that noise decibels outside the dome comply with the city’s noise ordinance levels.

“The buzz for SXSW 2012 has been mostly positive,” Clark said in a phone interview on Tuesday. The Chronicle is hosting a competition to name the new dome (link); “the pleasure dome” (yes Frankie) is our early favorite. Clark’s firm expects to wrap up drawings for the project in three weeks says Project Architect Jeff Krolicki. He added, “we certainly did a lot of research during this year’s south by. So when Future Design Concepts wanted a firm with Austin ties, a strong design sense and the ability to perform under the very tight schedule we felt privileged they thought of us. We’re excited for the challenge. This thing’s going to be big!”

Project updates will be available soon on Facebook and Twitter.

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